Australiana for collectors is any iconic item such as the Kangaroo ashtray,a Melbourne tram tea towel, a McCubbin or Streeton print, an oversized boomerang, an Opera House Tray a Bushells Tea Tin. Anything Australian from the 1900's onwards that is unique to Australia. I have a wooden picture frame in the shape of Australia with old photos from the turn of the century. This website gives some insight into collecting Australiana

is the collecting of—invitations, tickets, single sheet advertisements, programs, leaflets, brochures and stickers. Some people collect movie posters, concert tickets, political pamphlets and postcards. Have a look at any of the State Library catalogues and they have extensive digital, picture collections.

Kitchenalia is the collecting of kitchen appliances. Appliances and equipment that serves a useful purpose. Items such as egg beaters, meat grinders, jelly moulds, sifters and egg slices just to name a few. There are interesting stories attached to this equipment and it’s always worth asking grandparents what items they used and then the challenge is on to find that piece.

Shabby chic
The term ‘Shabby chic’ was coined in the 1980’s from a journal called ‘World of Interiors’. A term used and associated with old world elegance. An old table for example which shows its age in the worn timber, paint flaking off. An old print in a gold frame which is peeling but still catches you eye or material which has a classic pattern yet may be quite faded can still capture a certain beauty with its history.

From the 1940s to the 1970s, the Los Angeles-based team of Charles and Ray Eames practiced design at its most virtuous and its most expansive. Their furniture, toys, buildings, films, graphics, exhibitions, and books all aimed to improve society - not only functionally but also culturally and intellectually. Essays by Donald Albrecht and others in this handsome and generously illustrated volume examine the Eameses' projects in the contexts of science, corporate patronage, and politics as well as those of modern design, architecture, and art.
From:Published Art Books at www.publishedart.com.au
An ornament or fashion item which could be described as gaudy or over the top in its design. To some people it can only be described as pretentious bad taste, especially in the arts. Calculated to have popular appeal.
Something that represents or is an example of a style from a time period such as a particular fashion that is still appreciated and used as inspiration for current day styles.
Retro :
When styles from the past are used such as in clothing , music styles example of such a practice The band is heavily into sixties retro.
Retro is also shortened version of the word RetrogradeThis bag is 70’s Retro with rainbow colours, shoulder strap and by crochet one of the popular crafts of the day
1 comment:
Thanks for those links. I found a cool website that sells some great vintage and retro collectibles at www.enlightenedmatter.com
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